Sunday 8 June 2008

Saint Valentine's Wish

Today, millions of people around the world celebrate one of the most profound blessings that life has to offer - mutual love. And as you honour that love today, here are some things I wish all couples remember always?

"I love you" is easily spoken, but waking up an hour earlier to prepare breakfast for you is something else!

When you're in love, you never question the meaning of life.

The greatest gift is one's time.

If you truly love someone, you can never grow old.

Don't just focus on the action? try to understand the spirit behind the action.

To keep the loving cup full, give a sincere compliment each day.

When you're giving everything, you've got nothing to lose.

Though much ugliness, violence, darkness and hatred is possible in this world, someone is holding your hand.

Money can always be earned, but a beautiful moment, once past, will never return.

The most wonderful thing you can do with someone you love? is absolutely nothing!

The next time you're moved to anger, think about how you'd feel if this person were no longer in your life.

Don't save anything for a special day or occasion. If you have something good to do, say or give, do it now.

It's easy to love someone for his/her strengths, but it takes true courage to love someone for his/her weaknesses.

Each time you part, there's a possibility you might never see each other again, so part in love.

And finally, remember? that despite not being linked by blood, you have found someone who will love, live, laugh, and cry with you... and that itself is a miraculous thing.

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