Friday 14 March 2008

Reality Check

If I were to ask you to think of the one thing you would most like to change in your life right now, what would it be?

How much better off would you be with that change actually occurring? And why hasn't it? Changing for the better is a three step process:

First, you need to be aware of the need for change. Second, you must be ready and willing to change. And third, you need to take action.

There's nothing complicated about it, but most people don't even get to that first step. Most of us are stuck in that place where we know that something is preventing us from being happier, healthier, more loving, more successful people. Some of us may even know what that thing is. But we fail to recognize just how crucial it is for us to make that change happen. Some of us refuse to see it. Whatever it is, we go on like this day after day, not making the changes that will lift us out of boredom, out of mediocrity, out of financial anxiety, out of tepid relationships, and into what we truly desire!

Why? Because we think it's too hard. And you know what, that's just it. We think it's too hard. It's the thinking! We think it's too hard and that's why it is so. The law of attraction states that our thoughts either bring us closer to or take us away from the things we want. So what if we were to think it was easy, something that could very well be happening in front of our eyes? What if we were to think, live and breathe the life we wanted?

The reason why most of us cannot effectively think success into reality is because since we were kids, we've been steadily overtaxing our brains with encumbering thoughts. These are debilitating beliefs that we've absorbed from people, events and experiences in our lives that have been deeply impressed upon our memory banks. And it's from these banks that we continue to draw on in our daily lives, referring to them whenever an opportunity presents itself. We believe that failure in future is likely just because we've failed in the past. And you know what happens? We continue to fail.

But what if we transform these old thought patterns into new, healthy, positive, life and success-affirming ones? Won't the mind work in the same way to turn these positive thoughts into positive realities? It's really the same software, but we're keying in different data. How different would the final design be?

So key in a whole new set of data into your brain. Change those beliefs about yourself. Instead of seeing and feeling yourself not getting what you want in life, see and feel yourself already living it! You'll be closer to your goals in no time.

Alternatively, you may read on article on Managing Your Mind to know how you can condition your mind positively

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