Monday 21 January 2008

The Art Of Delegation And Empowerment

Delegating is a commonly misunderstood concept. Delegating is not about dumping problems or chores you dislike doing onto the shoulders of others; it's an invaluable tool for motivating and training your team to realize their full potential.

We have the ability to assist another person in capitalizing on their full potential. This person could be your spouse, your child or co-worker.

How many thousands of dollars do people spend on motivational tapes, programs, workshops, coaches, and training seminars on learning how to make best use of our abilities? Most people want true fulfillment, in all aspects of life.

Therefore, it benefits you and your loved ones to learn how to delegate.

Make sure this person knows what you want done, that they can actually complete the task, and they know how to do it.

Many people worry that if they let others do a job for them, they will lose control or the task will not be completed as well as you would have done it.

When you think about tasks you can delegate, decide what is "good enough" or "satisfactory". Don't judge others based on your own benchmarks. You'll soon see how happy people are to help you and how good they feel doing a job that requires them to make their own decisions. They feel empowered and your confidence in them only helps.

Give your children a chance at loading or unloading the laundry. Allow your spouse to guide you to your destination using the street directory. Assign a special project or task to your subordinates at work. Even a kid can help set the table. The cutlery may not be in the right places, but one day they will get there! You're laying an important foundation.

So empower your loved ones today. Delegate some jobs that they can feel proud completing of and having responsibility on it. It will be much satisfying and fulfilling than you think!

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