Thursday 8 May 2008

Graceful Aging

Old age is something none of us can avoid. Worrying about it simply precipitates its onset. So you may lose your hair. So your skin may become dry and wrinkled. You may gain weight. Your movements might become laboured or clumsy. So what? It's the natural process of Life. But there a few things you can do to make aging more graceful and softer on your ego.

Psychologists say that our minds and bodies, generally, begin to age, or wind down, after the age of 45. And it's about that time that we should give our lives a new direction.

Healthy foods and exercise are essential at any point in our lives, and particularly crucial when we're entering our twilight years. Exercise at least moderately. If nothing else, you could always walk around the neighbourhood. The body breaks down even faster due to lack of use. And don't take my word for it because I'm not a nutritionist, but richly-coloured foods that are high in fibre and low in fat are usually good - salmon, broccoli, nuts, capsicum, fruits. Make your meals visually pleasing as well as tasty!

As you grow older, friendships become more important than ever. Family members are great, but you cannot become dependent on them socially. They can't always be there for you. So for those times when they can't, enjoy the company of close friends who can.

If you've retired, or are going to retire soon, learn new things that you didn't have the time to take up when you were working. Again, what the thing is is not important, as long as you have an interest in it. Especially beneficial are things that require a fair amount of mind work, or are manually complex to do. This keeps your mind and body working. Or things that expand your view of the world or see things from a different perspective. You could also revisit the things that gave you joy when you were younger - books, music, and films are particularly good for bringing back those good ol' memories.

No matter how many times you go to the gym a week, you'll never have the same body you did when you were 25. That doesn't mean you should stop caring about your appearance. Wear clothes that you're comfortable in but which still give you a little style and flair. Dressing to feel good about yourself is not a bad thing. Don't confuse it with narcissism and vanity.

Old age doesn't equate sagely wisdom, so keep your mind open to suggestions and ideas, even from very young people. Their nascent minds may not teach the lesson in the most articulate way, but if you're open, you'll absorb the wisdom easily. Avoid thinking and behaving like you're the authority on everything, just because of your age. This can cause people to isolate you. It can also lead to complacency, inability to adapt and grow, and eventually, a stagnation of your mental abilities.

And set goals for yourself. This gives you something that you can look forward to. Make them reasonable. Finish one book a week. Keep to a budget. Plant your own chili padi. Plan a short holiday closeby. Make gifts for upcoming family gatherings. It's amazing how much you can achieve in your Golden Years.

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