Monday 26 May 2008

Strength in Gentleness and Kindness

A line from a song by legendary English band The Smiths goes "It takes strength to be gentle and kind".

Now, gentleness and kindness are qualities which are hardly socially thought of as being characteristic of strength.

Yet, when you think about it? it certainly takes a lot to be gentle, and even more to be kind. There is much selfishness, anger, and resentment in the world, and one's reaction to harshness is likely to be equally severe or damaging.

To respond to hostility with gentleness requires considerable faith in humanity and courage of the spirit. As for kindness, well, most people are too busy thinking of themselves to bother.

Antagonism and hostility encourage the creation of more negative feelings, both in the perpetrator and the receiver. Gentleness and kindness on the other hand, inspire joy, love, compassion and peace.

Moreover, giving without expectation gives us great happiness and satisfaction. Nothing makes our day more than a genuine compliment, a sincere pat on the back, an earnest hug, or a favour from a colleague. Do you get those often? More importantly, do you give those regularly?

It's a vain enterprise to expect a reward for a good deed. Take pleasure in performing the good deed itself. And you will be a happier person.

When someone is kind or generous towards you, the joy can only be temporary, because the effects never last very long. But when you are kind or generous towards someone else, you'll find that the joy only increases and accumulates. Because your act will serve to add to the world being a better place? no matter how small or insignificant you think it is.

Gentleness has been ingrained in many cultures as being a sign of the powerless and impotent. And kindness is sometimes thought of as a hint of weakness your opponent can take advantage of.

These are misconceptions, for anyone can take up the sword to strike in hatred and fury, but only the truly mighty are able to lay it down in forgiveness and love.

So the next time you're moved to malice or anger, try being gentle and kind instead. Experience for yourself the spiritual strength and joy that comes from them.

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